Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Needed

Solicitation Number: USCC-033
Posted Date: Jan 11, 2016
Point of Contact.: Katherine Koleski,

ABOUT PROPOSALS. The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (hereafter “the Commission”) invites submission of proposals to provide a one-time unclassified report on Chinese investment in the U.S. aviation sector.
ABOUT THE COMMISSION. The Commission was established by Congress in 2000 to monitor and report to Congress on the economic and national security dimensions of the United States’ trade and economic ties with the People’s Republic of China. Further details about the Commission are available on its website at:
The Commission solicits this research pursuant to its Congressional mandate (contained in P.L. 113-291, Section 1259B), which states, “The Commission…shall investigate and report … on…”
“(B) The qualitative and quantitative nature of the transfer of United States production activities to the People’s Republic of China, including the relocation of manufacturing, advanced technology and intellectual property, and research and development facilities, the impact of such transfers on the national security of the United States (including the dependence of the national security industrial base of the United States on imports from China), the economic security of the United States, and employment in the United States, and the adequacy of United States export control laws in relation to the People’s Republic of China.”
“(D) Foreign investment …by the People’s Republic of China in the United States, including an assessment of its economic and security implications, [and] the challenges to market access confronting potential United States investment in the People’s Republic of China…”
“(E) The military plans, strategy and doctrine of the People’s Republic of China … the interaction between the civilian and military leadership in the People’s Republic of China … force modernization objectives and trends for the People’s Republic of China military, and the implications of such objectives and trends for the national security of the United States.”
“(I) The compliance of the People’s Republic of China with its commitments to the World Trade Organization, other multilateral commitments, bilateral agreements signed with the United States, commitments made to bilateral science and technology programs, and any other commitments and agreements strategic to the United States (including agreements on intellectual property rights and prison labor imports), and United States enforcement policies with respect to such agreements.”

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